Writing Resources Every Writer and Editor Must Have

Here’s a list of writing resources — products, services, or otherwise — that I use to run my writing business and website.


Writing Apps

No list of writing resources would be complete without writing apps. I use the following to help me outline, draft, and edit.


I use Scrivener for most of my longer writing projects like nonfiction books and evergreen content. I even use it to pen the writing course reviews on this website.

Marked 2

Marked 2 App is an app used for writing markdown, but what I like most about the app is its linguistic focus tools.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. As an editor, I use Word every day for my freelance editing business and to write short-form content like news stories and features.

Also, I use Excel for a myriad of reasons, from keeping track of my business’ income and expenses to keeping a record of the movies I watch with my wife and kids every Saturday night.

PowerPoint is an excellent tool for creating online courses for Skillshare and similar websites.

Omni Outliner

I don’t use Omni Outliner every day, but when I need to outline a document before I write it, this is my go-to app. Omni Group has a handful of apps that will help you stay focused and productive, but Omni Outliner is my favorite of theirs.

Web Calls/Conferences

Although this page is mostly about writing resources, I do use tech to help me with my day-to-day business. I use the following apps and equipment for web calls, conferences, and podcasts.


Zoom had some security issues in the early months of 2020, but they’ve since fixed those issues. This service has been and continues to be my number-one app for video calls, conferences, and podcast interviews.

Rode Procaster

Speaking of podcasts, I use a Rode Procaster Broadcast Dynamic Vocal Microphone for all of my podcasts, whether I’m hosting one or appearing as a guest. Also, the sound quality is superb compared to a pair of Apple headphones.

Zoom H4N

Zoom H4N shouldn’t be confused with Zoom the webcam app. The H4N is a handy recorder I use when interviewing subjects for feature stories, recording podcast interviews, or backing up web calls.


I use the following products to keep my online activity secure, not just for me, but for you as well.


I use WordPress.org as my Content Management System (CMS). For the theme of my website, I’m currently using WordPress 2020 Theme with a few simple CSS modifications.


I’ve been using Namecheap Domain and Hosting (get 50% off 2 years of shared hosting with this link) for close to seven years and I’ve never had an issue with them.

What I like most about Namecheap–aside from their low prices–is their customer service. No matter what time of the day it is, or whether it’s a weekday, weekend, holiday, someone is always on the live chat to help me.

I recently registered two domains for my daughters using Namecheap. They’re a long way from starting their own blogs, but I figure it’s better to reserve their domains (which are their names) while I could.

You can register a domain for your kids using Namecheap too.

SSL Certificate

If you run a website, you must have an SSL Certificate. This shows your visitors that you care about their security. The certificate protects any communication between your visitors and your website website. I use Namecheap’s SSL Certificate.


I recommend always using a VPN to protect your online activity.


I like to secure my internet activity with a VPN from Surfshark. A VPN keeps the activity between my IP Address and other websites or apps I use 100% private. That means no internet service providers, hackers, or governments can track or sell my data.

I also travel a lot, and sometimes I need to use public wifi at coffee shops or airports, so a VPN protects my online activity not only when I’m home, but on the road.